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27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA

iRecco@mail.com energy.IRecco@mail.com

+1 (800) 123 456 789
+1 (800) 321 456 746
We Also Offer

Air to Water Technology


In pursuit of its commitment to holistic renewable energy and preservation of the environment, Guardian Solar and Power Solutions Limited is committed to provision of affordable, safe and clean water through Air to Water Technology which ultimately reduces global warming.

Enhanced Services

Safe and Clean Water

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Clean water through Air to Water Technology

Why Us

In pursuit of its commitment to holistic renewable energy and preservation of the environment, Guardian Solar and Power Solutions Limited is committed to provision of affordable, safe and clean water through Air to Water Technology which ultimately reduces global warming. Through availability and consistent promotion of Air to Water Technology, access to clean water is sustainable for businesses, schools, communities and the rural poor.

The atmosphere contains 37.5 Million Billion Gallons of water. This is part of the hydrological cycles which maintains air and water vapour making this a virtually unlimited source of water. This volume of water in the atmosphere underscores affordable and sustainable Air to Water Solution.

Air to Water Technology process requires that atmospheric water generators extract water from the surrounding air and filter it to remove particulates and bacteria. The resulting water is clean and free of chemicals and other hazards. In areas where water is scarce or polluted, atmospheric water generators are reliable sources of clean, safe water.

Guardian Solar and Power Solutions Limited remain unflinching in its commitment and advocacy role of ensuring holistic renewable energy, empowering Nigeria and Africa’s industrial, business and residential communities through the application of solar, air and wind energy technologies.

0 18000

Installed capacity

0 12000

WTGs Installed